Textiles Indígenas Ecológicos

Textiles Indígenas Ecológicos – Artifica la UC 2019

As UNESCO declared 2019 The International Year of Indigenous Languages, Textiles Indígenas Ecológicos (TIE) created textile works inspired by three indigenous languages in Chile: Aymara/Aimara, Mapudungún/Mapuzungun and southern Quechua.

The result of the TIE Project was four 150 x 200 cm textile pieces, each created with reused and dyed leather discards. The leather pieces were laser cut in the FabLab UC, assembled as male/female pieces, and then machine stitched to make them stronger.

The creation of these four contemporary textile pieces included one work from each mentioned culture and an experimental design. This collaborative art proposal had three open and free meetings attended by approximately 50 people.